Monday, April 22, 2013

Media Maraton

Back in January I signed up to run the half marathon in Malaga having never ran even half that number of miles in my life. But I thought it would be a good way to stay in shape and explore the city. This plan was working out perfectly until I went to Italy and ate gelato 8 days in a row... But I came back to Spain and a week later, Sheldon and I were off to Malaga not really knowing what we were getting ourselves into. But after a good night's sleep we arrived in the stadium and the energy and adrenaline of the other 5,000 runners was infectious. Together, the two of us ran the 13.1 miles in 2 hours chatting the entire way enjoying the run along the ocean in a city we had never explored. We finished smiling, only a little tired and so happy with what we had accomplished. We rewarded ourselves with a burger (the first I have eaten since arriving here!) and a few hours of sitting on the beach stretching. It was such a good feeling to know all my training the past 4 months helped reach a goal I had set so long ago.

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