Monday, February 25, 2013

Cosas extras...

This post is a mix of all things I've been up to lately: First was a great and semi-embarrassing afternoon of rollerblading along the river. Totally worth the 5 euros to rent, but way more difficult than the Sevillana pros make it look. Next was a hilarious and unproductive dinner party with Anna, Lola and her amiga Miriam from Italy that's original purpose was to help Anna and I plan for our trip to Italy. After all the delicious wine, tapas, and chocolate covered strawberries it was 2am and we were having way too much fun to plan any details. We're still eating leftovers. Next is a picture from a day trip we took to Osuna, which was really beautiful but hard to appreciate from our 3 hour tour inside the convent and church... Last but not least, I figured I should include a little bit about the 'study' part of 'studying abroad,' a picture of the beautiful University building that was once an old tabacco factory. So far classes are going well and I am understanding the professors. Most of the time.

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